
Date- January 30,2023 -February 01, 2023 (10 AM:1:00AM)

Venue- online-Webex platform

DST-Centre for Policy Research (CPR) at Panjab University, Chandigarh organized 3-day online training program on “Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) role in DRR policies and strategies”. The program was organized with the support of National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The training program aimed to bring together the domain experts, members of academia and key stakeholders on a common platform for understanding the role of science in enhancing Disaster Resilience by exploring the penetration of STI in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Prof. Kashmir Singh, Coordinator, DST- CPR, one of the convenors of this training program gave the special address in which he highlighted the crucial role of Science, Technology & Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction. Prof. Singh highlighted the needs to bring innovations taking place in the laboratories for making it available to the masses in a cost-effective manner. Around 150 participants took part in the on-line training program, including faculty members, researchers, and students from various institutions from Chandigarh region and PAN India. .


Glimpses of the Event:Online Webex Platform

 image1- NIDM.

 image2- NIDM

Event details: Concept Note